February 2, 2010

29th Birthday

It has been a year since I started this blog but so far only 2 entries, unbelievable. Am I that busy?

Anyway, this is a bit late of late entry.

I have come to the last year of my 20s and very happy as I am growing older, I still look pretty young I guess. Haha, that's what people say, not me.

Thank you for a wonderful cg celebration this year and always having so much fun.

What it matters most is making life counts every single day, I love the feeling that I am living for a purpose everyday.

Something to look forward this year is my wedding, not exactly prepare for everything but I do have time to spare in searching for the right thing especially our home.

Really believing that if CHC can find a place in central location, I'm sure I can find it and even with a good price (COV drop drop!)

Last year of collection of ANG BAO so must work hard to collect more and save up more as I give more to the A&B, very excited abt it!!!! Coming this march!

February 17, 2009

World View

Yesterday we watched a documentary named "The Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore, a former US presidential election. I have heard about this documentary but never watch it before.
The documentary was about how he begin to tell the world about 'Global Warming' and the importance that we need to play a part to keep the earth safe so that we or our next generation may not need to face the 'Ice Age'.

The purpose of watching this documentary is to know that Al Gore uses his best known knowledge to influence the world to save energy and go green etc. He went from city to city in US and country by country, people by people, family by family etc.

Pst Tan shared about his thoughts with the leaders and encourage us to think globally.

Indeed we are not living for ourselves but building something for the next generation. Some of my friends will know that when I was 13 years old, after the 1st time I've been to China. I have a dream or desire to travel all around China and one day to help their community work like education (teaching English), building stable houses in the rural area etc which I believe there are many people who are like me who thought of this before but we are too caught up with life and to busy to engage ourselves in community work.

How can we engage to the lives of these people first and change the way they think about lives?
I love a slogan when I was in poly that says "Living life larger than yourself". People like to be serve and not wanting to serve. Even if we serve, we are selective in our serving. That is not serving, that is performing.

With the good, convenient, comfortable life we have today, it create people to be choosy, fussy, criticism. I am no exception from it, we have to unlearn some values that may be good to ourselves but it is not good for the society. Yes, we got to humble ourselves.

There is a new value that many are teaching 'Social Responsibility'. Many have known about this but we need more OJT.

It is possible to change! We can make a difference!

February 10, 2009

Prayer week starts

This is the beginning of the morning prayer meeting, we are now starting 30mins earlier than before which means I reached office earlier. I surprised everyone when I reach 8.15am!!!

Now we understand teachers' life better....

Good things about waking up early:
1) Freshness in mind (mental)
2) Sleep early
3) Better health

Morning prayer meeting rocks!